Application Integrations
SAP integration services from AmDhan ensure successful integration by lowering the complexities and challenges of integration, improving ROI and reducing TCO through the development of a migration roadmap. SAP integration service enables you to boost productivity through successful SAP Hana integration, which helps integrate multi-system applications. In order to meet our client’s business needs AmDhan use a wide range of tools has proven experience in SAP integration services.
Application Integration

When your business depends on SAP software, you need a powerful SAP integration solution to get the most from your investments in SAP and other critical software solutions. Your SAP solution for enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management or financial management may be a cornerstone of your IT infrastructure, but these solutions don’t always integrate well with other technology or SaaS applications. With the right SAP connectivity tool, you can connect SAP applications with any data source or system and make SAP data and functionality available via the Web and mobile devices.
AmDhan’s Integration Platform provides a proven solution for SAP integration that lets you rapidly integrate data, systems, services, devices, processes and business partners to maximize performance and business value of your investment in SAP.
This SAP integration solution provides:
- Cost-effective integration for SAP customers who want to integrate non-SAP applications and trading partners with components of their SAP architecture
- Broad support for established and emerging Web services, e-business and technology standards
- Separate views for developers and business analysts
- Easy integration without the need for recoding

Benefits of Software AmDhan’s SAP Integration Solution
- Lower risks by leveraging your development investment
- Reduce implementation and operating costs
- Reduce the cost of integrating applications by limiting complex point-to-point connections
- Improve time-to-market by re-sing existing assets
- Enable enterprise mobile apps to access SAP data and functionality
- Improve enterprise data quality by ensuring single version and reference data are consumed by SAP and other enterprise applications
We can help
At AmDhan our Enterprise Application Integration Practice stems out of our extensive expertise in end-to-end integration of disparate business applications, unifying multiple databases and business processes across the enterprise. From definition, strategy, identification to implementation, testing and support, our Enterprise Application Integration Services deliver measurable results, rapid ROI, and strike the perfect balance between your evolving business and IT needs.
It’s time you partner with us and set the pace for your digital transformation with our Application Integration Services.