SAP Fiori Timesheet
It is always a good thing to be one step ahead in acquiring new processes to mainstream, which ultimately lead organization to growth. In any organization, the biggest task is work assignment and validate assigned tasks. Taking example of utility industry, the most important task is assigning work to specific employee and track task till completion. Not all companies find the required flexibility in a Solution and hencethey go for SAP HCM. Luckily, these organizations are not excluded from the evolution of UX design in Human resourceapps. SAP Fiori provides you a way out to personalize and simplify your SAP HCM UX.
Let’s have the introduction to SAP FIORI. It is specifically focused on UI / UX design concepts assemble with SAP-UI5 Technology. SAP Fiori comes with large scale library of applications that can be implemented in a less efforts.
Let’s look at few HCM apps
- Employee Lookup: Employee Lookup is useful to view details of employees among your organizations like there personnel data, direct reports, contact details and profile picture.
- My Timesheet: Quick and efficient way to manage assigned tasks.
- People Profile: People profile is helpful while Tracking your personal data, un-utilized time details, pending leave and so on.
- My Travel and Expenses: When it comes to travel allowances, it needs to be monitored while approving travel and non-travel expenses. My travel and Expenses provide you flexibility as per the requirements.
- My Travel Requests: Manage travel requests in real time
- My Leave Requests: Create and submit leave requests, this app allows users to keep tack on the status of their request and view their leave quota.
- My Benefits: View your benefits enrollment details
- My Pay stubs: Check and manage a digital version of all your pay stubs issued by the company for each payroll period.
- My Team Calendar: Get an overview of training, leaves, events, work schedules.
This application can be extended till certain level to achieve more flexibility according to client requirement. Like adding substitution functionality, or additional shifts pattern display. .
What makes FIORI Timesheet Specials:
FIORI Timesheet application provision is based upon few role models, mentioned as below.
- Roles Specific: Functionalities will be maintained or restricted on the basis of roles assigned to particular employees.
- Adaptive: SAP Fiori is flexible when it comes to Mobile or Laptop view. Provides a responsive UX designs.
- Simplicity: SAP has provided designs based on simplicity, it makes UX user friendly by adding concept display what is necessary.